杜威说:“教育是给学生一些事情去做,不是给他们一些东西去学,结果他们自然地学到了东西。” 社会科学作为一门理论性极强的中学课程,如何让学生喜欢甚至爱上呢?在君诚这所创新型的国际学校,社会科学是与STEM课程交叉渗透教学的。通常每学习完一个历史文明,就会有3-4节STEM课,学生需要自我完成手工作品,这大大激发了学生的参与感和成就感。
John Dewey said: “Give the pupils something to do, not something to learn; and the doing is of such a nature as to demand thinking; learning naturally results”; As a highly theoretical middle school course, how social sciences are so attractive to make students fall in love with it? At SIBS, social science is intersected with STEM courses. Usually, after finishing studying historical civilization, there will be 3-4 STEM classes, and students need to complete their own handicrafts related to class content, which greatly stimulates students' sense of participation and accomplishment.从19-20学年开始,所有6、7、8年级的学生开始了学年项目 “历史名人蜡像馆”。
From the beginning of the school year all 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students were tasked with their “End of the Year” project: The Wax Museum.1.一份正式的研究论文,引用正确且内容结构完善
Students needed to research an important person from history that developed into:
1.A properly cited and well-developed research paper
2.Drawing of a potential website page
3.Historically accurate poster board
4.Costume and 2 props or artifacts
5. Prepare a speech and can answer basic questions about their historical figure
同学们非常热情的投入工作,谨慎严格的对待每一个细节;通常在日常教学的每个单元结束后,他们会用1-2周的时间来专注于该项目。Students rigorously completed steps throughout the year to meet each requirement, usually after the end of a Unit we would take a 1-2 week break to focus on this project.在春节期间,学生几乎投入了整个假期的时间在蜡像馆项目上,在外教老师的帮助和指导下,同学们对论文进行了最后的修饰,以及设计和制作海报板。
Then during Chinese New Year students had 2 weeks to work on the Wax Museum project nearly the entire class day; most students used this time to put final touches on their essays, seek additional advice or aid from teachers, or primarily focused on designing and constructing their poster boards.农历新年结束后,虽然因为疫情原因不能上学,学生们依然在原计划时间里,在网络学习其他科目的同时,通过拍摄录像的方式出色地完成了展示演讲。After CNY students continued with their Wax Museum schedule but made their videos at home and excellently executed their presentations during distance learning.返校后的几周时间里,在完成最后一个单元的学习以后,同学们就把时间都投入在蜡像馆的呈现活动上了,大家一起讨论和准备,希望给所有人一个完美的呈现,准备过程中还拍了很多照片和视频。Within the past few weeks, since our return to school, we have finished our last Unit started to focus back on the Wax Museum by preparing for the final event. We were able to take additional photos and videos of their final performances before the big event.不幸的是,因为疫情反复,活动在开始前一天被取消了。虽然没办法再给其他同学和家长展示,但学生们为这个为期一年的项目投入了大量精力,无论如何,这都是学生们第一次从头到尾体验完成的项目,每一个步骤的策划执行,跟各个部门的沟通统筹等经验,都将成为同学们未来成功路上的基石。
Unfortunately, the school was canceled the day before the event and students couldn’t present to the students at school. Regardless, the students put a lot of energy into this year-long project and we are proud to have met and worked with such an excellent group of students! This was the first project of its kind and took the involvement of various departments, students, and parents!
Thank you all for your hard work and dedication!
我校2020-2021学年秋季招生现已正式启动,欢迎幼儿园托班至11年级学生及家庭报名咨询。如果您对君诚学校有着的好奇与憧憬,我们期待与您的家庭一起,进行一场有深度、有温度、有维度的国际教育探讨。 请扫描下方二维码,预约报名线上校园开放日